Category Archive 'Internet'

How to setup a multilingual blog: lessons learned so far


Though it might not look it, I’ve actually been working on setting up this whole experiment for about two weeks. Besides the process that most people probably have to go through anyway to set up a blog was the second and more challenging part: setting up the site to manage three different languages. I’m no expert, but I thought I’d post some tips in case anyone else wants to do the same, so they can save some time.

1) Set up your blog directory with subdirectories for each language. This was the most straightforward way recommended at WordPress, and it’s worked well for me. Think of it as setting up three different instances of a database. In this case, I have the root directory, dedicated to English, an “es” subdirectory for Spanish, and yet another “zh” subdirectory for Chinese.

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Código abierto y personalización masiva


Note: This post is an abbreviated Spanish version of my original post in English, which you can find here.


El concepto de código abierto ha existido desde hace años, y ejemplos como los programitas escritos por los usuarios de Firefox continúan esta tradición. Opino que el Internet (con la ayuda de Google) ha permitido que el concepto de código abierto sea extendido a otros campos, como la cocina e incluso cómo elaborar la cerveza. Al sitio de Craftster, un foro donde los usuarios se muestran y se discuten sus creaciones e ideas, sus miembros a menudo ofrecen tutorías muy detalladas que enseñan a los otros cómo hacer sus creaciones.

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Open sourcing and mass customization



Open sourcing has been around for a long time, and examples such as scripts written by users for Firefox continue that original tradition. But it seems the Internet (with the aid of Google) has allowed open sourcing to take off in other fields, such as in the case of cooking recipes and even brewing beer. At Craftster, an open forum where users show and discuss their creations and ideas, members often offer detailed, step-by-step tutorials of how to make their inventions for everyone else to use.

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