This week’s Carnival of Personal Finance celebrates its one-year anniversary and includes a slew of great posts over the last year. Flexo’s done a great job as usual, and I’m honored to have been highlighted as a favorite.
I think this time, I picked my two personal favorites because they remind me of myself at different points in life.
I really enjoyed the posts from I Will Teach You To Be Rich not only because they’ve got good content but also because his writing smacks of a kind of irreverence and directness that reminds me of when I was an undergrad, before I outgrew my complete self-assurance and turned boring. That he’s got a geeky sense of humor doesn’t hurt either.
The older me relates to “A Rewarding Life” by the Budgeting Babe. I believe quite strongly in volunteering time as well. And surprising as it might be, I’ve found it’s often volunteers and not necessarily the ones who are being helped who benefit the most from the volunteering experience.
There are many, many other excellent posts that deserve revisiting from time to time, so be sure to check out this week’s special commemoration!
Look Good at Work and Become Indispensable Become an Excel Pro and Impress Your Boss
Thanks for participating in the Carnival and for mentioning it here!
Caltech sucks :P
Let me guess…MITer? :P
Oh, how did you know :P
Ah…I should have guessed you were a fellow “techer” when you posted that pigeonhole problem! :D