This week, I forked over more money to the guvment in the form of buying more 4-week and 3-month treasuries. The 4-week yield (APY) went up to 5.27% from 5.16%. The 3-month yield went up to 5.22% from 5.17%. Taking the California tax rate of 9.3% into account, T-bills are now effectively yielding right around 6%.
Note that the 4-week now pays more than the 3-month. Given the amount of money I’m putting in, the difference isn’t great enough to justify transferring my brokerage funds to a regular account in order to be able to use Treasury Direct, but I’ll have to keep an eye on this spread.
I’ve attached the updated chart below, showing current APRs on all three types of T-bills.
Again, if you’re interested in learning more about buying T-bills, which are especially worth considering if you live in a state with state income taxes, be sure to check out the exhaustive thread on treasuries on Fatwallet. There’s also plenty of information from Treasury Direct itself. Finally, the fine people over at the Fatwallet thread have created an rss feed for upcoming treasury auction dates and one for daily treasury yield curves that are worth subscribing to. Thanks guys!
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I need to know how much does a T-Bill cost and what my interest return would be if I invested $1000.00 in a 3-week treasury bill.