Holy cow: musical scores of Mozart’s complete works now available for free online!

Current events, Tips for saving money

To commemorate the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth, the has created an online database of 24,000 of his works (in sheet music form), all available for download, for free. Obviously, it’s for personal use only, etc. and all the standard legalese applies.

The site and database, called the , is searchable in German and English, by KV, type of work, key of music, and editor. Here’s an .

Seriously, don’t you love it when the Internet facilitates sort of thing? The site’s been experiencing unbelievable traffic, so if you can’t connect immediately, try a bit later. I wasn’t able to access their servers at all until this afternoon. But, once I did, it took me no time at all to find the — a.k.a. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star/The Alphabet Song, for example. Pretty simple search interface, and quick results. The sheet music is in JPEG format, so you have to save the images first before printing them (at least as far as I can tell). But it’s really a small inconvenience to pay given the incredible access they’re offering!


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4 Feedbacks on "Holy cow: musical scores of Mozart’s complete works now available for free online!"

» Free Downloads of Mozart Sheet Music on Consumerism Commentary: A Personal Finance Blog

[…] Free Downloads of Mozart Sheet Music By Flexo on Wednesday, December 13th, 2006 at 7:06 pm, filed under Frugal, Entertainment This is right up my alley. Ricemutt from Experiments in Finance brought this to my attention. The International Mozart Foundation has digitized and made available the musical scores to 24,000 of W.A. Mozart’s compositions. You can find the library online at the Digital Mozart Edition. […]


free is always good!! nice website


They asked me to contribute, but I said no mnilay because I didn’t know who or what the site was. Actually, I didn’t get it and the guy turned out to be really nice basically his pitch to me was you (me) give something away, and I’ll (moneycrashers) get the traffic for it. Not a very sound investment for me. Conversly, when I heard Flexo was doing something, and knowing that I have hogged up his comment boards for 18 months I figured I can drum up a gift card!

Ike Dalley

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