When India and China overtake the Western world

Current events, Internet

One website I enjoy immensely whenever I have time is , and I thought I’d share it here. TED stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design” and is a non-profit that hosts lectures from thought leaders across the world on a regular basis. Although tickets and invites to each event are astoundingly expensive, they provide all the content for free on their website.

One popular speaker I’ve admired a lot is a professor from Sweden named . In addition to presenting his findings and data in a very visually understandable manner (through software he and his team created), his lectures themselves are very thought-provoking.

As mentioned recently, I’ve started , and I found one of Prof. Rosling’s presentations quite pertinent. It’s entitled . He predicts the year when the average pay per person per month in India and China will be equivalent to those in the US and UK.

As part of his lecture, he shows how the data move historically over the last century and half. Part of why I think his lecture is especially interesting is that, although it’s gotten better, I remember always having to learn about the history of major Western civilizations in high school — Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, the Renaissance — but never once hearing about the histories of China and India. You’d think they never existed or weren’t learning about, at least in my day.

So, take a look at that lecture, and bookmark that site and browse around it when you have time. There’s a lot of good content — not only on geekery and intellectual topics but also music and art. Enjoy!


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One Feedback on "When India and China overtake the Western world"

school grants

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it