How Can You Finally Engage The Online Audience?

Business & entrepreneurship

Where do you write the most?

If you’re in the field of marketing, blogging, or anything remotely involved with writing, you know that you have to work on your writing constantly. Writing isn’t easy. It’s challenging to come up with new topics and to engage your readers on a consistent basis. Online readers have a short attention span. Attention is highly limited and difficult to gain.

Where am I going with this?

I found an article at Fast Company that shared a study about how your most important writing is done on Facebook.

Below is an excerpt from the article:

“It’s not that you can remember the Facebook posts a little better–you can remember them a lot better,” says study co-author Dr. Laura Mickes, who calls the findings “jaw-dropping.”

Why on Earth on Facebook updates so important?

Facebook posts, as well as Twitter posts, are so memorable because they are what Mickes calls “mind ready”: unedited and unfiltered. They’re off-the-cuff remarks and thoughts. These words, which flow quickly and easily from your friend’s mind onto his Facebook page, are then absorbed by you with similar ease.

With all of this being said, how can you improve your writing and how you engage your readers?

Work on great headlines for your articles.

I’ve been told that the best headlines provoke emotions. The best headlines are those that attract readers to even read the article. It’s challenging enough to have someone even stop by your site, let alone want to read an article.

How can you work on your headlines? You have to just play around with different ideas. You have to find ways to trigger our emotions. You have to look at how other sites get readers.

I would start off by reading Copy Blogger and their piece on how to write headlines that work. From there, you can play around with different headlines and strategies. The trick to remember is that writing great headlines is a work in progress.

Tweet what’s on your mind.

Do you have an idea? A quick thought? What about posting an unfiltered idea to Twitter? You never know when you can come up with a gem. I often find myself howling in laughter when following some of my friends. I could tell that they’re posting their unfiltered thoughts/jokes/ideas.

Do you ever Tweet a random thought that’s on your mind? Give it a try today. When something interesting hits you, post it. Don’t think about it. As long as it’s not something totally offensive or inappropriate, you shouldn’t worry about the negative backlash. You never know when you blurt out an idea that has potential for the future.

Work on Facebook status updates.

What do you post on Facebook? I usually post useless stuff. After reading this research study, I’m going to make a conscious effort to post thought-provoking updates — or at least updates that garner attention.

Have you seen any interesting Facebook updates lately?

Are you going to improve your writing? Let’s work on finally engaging the online audience.


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