Experiments In Finance – A New Start

Business & entrepreneurship

Hey people!

My name is Mike and I am the new owner of Experiments in Finance. You will discover more about this new guy who bought this blog throughout my articles. But instead of talking about me, today I want to share with you why I bought this blog.

I like blogging

The very first reason why I bought this blog is because I LOVE blogging. I currently run several blogs and I made it a business throughout the years. I started my online venture in 2006 and I can now think of living from my online income in a few years. But Experiments in Finance, which I like to simply call EXP, will not be about making money online. EXP will be about experimenting different things in the world of finance.

I have many common points with the previous author

I have been searching for a blog to buy for the past 3 months. When I found EXP, I really liked the topics that were previously discussed. I have found that I have many common points with the previous author:

– I do have a MBA

– I have 2 kids (and Leslie is having a second one in January ;-) )

– I like talking about investing (especially dividend and ETF investing)

– I like talking about entrepreneurship and career

– My friend (and partner in my venture) is pretty strong with excel ;-)

I want to share my financial experiences

At the age of 23, I got my first line of credit, loaded and invest 20K in the stock market. 3 Years later, I was buying my first home with a $50K cash down (and a cleared line of credit!). I have quit my first job after only 6 months working for a big financial firm. After 2 years of blogging for fun, I have created an online company and now earning 6 figures income from my venture. I’m now working 4 days a week at my “day job” and running my online venture. This is the kind of experience I want to share with you.

If you need to reach me, you can do it via email at thefinancialblogger (at) gmail (dot) com.

I hope you will like the new turn of EXP, this is going to be an awesome adventure!


Look Good at Work and Become Indispensable Become an Excel Pro and Impress Your Boss
