Using Templates In Microsoft Excel 2013

Excel 2013

I continue to dive into Microsoft Excel 2013 looking for new features, functions, differences and in the past few days, I’ve been diving into a new aspect that is truly fascinating. What is it? Quite simply, Microsoft Excel has added an incredible number of templates. How do you access them? It’s quite simple. You start off by simply opening Microsoft Excel and then click on:


Then, you can simply select the template you’d like to try or search for it:

You can get more details about the actual spreadsheet then press on “create”:

You can then get a great step ahead with a spreadsheet that includes formulas, charts, apps (as you can see on the left, which needs to be downloaded):

The best part is that there are dozens if not hundreds of different template categories which can give you ideas or a start no matter what you’re trying to build. I’ll certainly be looking into some of these templates to discuss the Excel 2013 opportunities.

Have any of you tried to work with templates? How has your experience been so far?


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One Feedback on "Using Templates In Microsoft Excel 2013"


I haven’t personally tried any of the new templates in Excel yet, but I’ve heard of others who were planning on buying the software to try it out to do bookkeeping for their small business.