Category Archive 'Blogging'

How You Can Make More Money With What You Have Right Now


Today my new site, Start Freelancing Now, is going live.

With that being said I wanted to write about a cool financial experiment today. I’m looking to help

My goal is to help you make more money with what you have right now. You don’t have to go back to school to upgrade your skills. You don’t have to network and meet any famous people. You have all you need right now. You don’t need to invest thousands of dollars into a useless business plan.

How can you make more money with what you have right now?

Find potential customers.

Think of all of the ways you can find customers by doing something cool. Below are a few questions to consider.

  • What can I do that nobody else can?
  • How can I help others?
  • What marketable skills do I have?
  • What do I love to do?

This should lead to you finding at least a few potential clients. For example, if you work out often, there are millions of people out there looking to get in shape. There are so many options here. It’s up to you when it comes to what sort of clients you want to target.

Perform a service.

Now you perform the service. This will seem like the most difficult aspect, but it’s not. This is where you make your money. This is where you shine and do what you’re good at.

I can’t help you much at all here. This is where you do your service.

Collect your payment.

The next step is to find a way to collect your payment. How will you get paid? Will you use Paypal? Will you accept credit cards? Will you collect cash?

This is a minor issue, but it can get pretty fun.

My suggestion is that you keep a document on your computer where you track payments.

That’s all you really need to make more money right now.

Are you ready to increase your income right now?

How to Kill Distractions Right Now


You want to blog more? Do you want to be more productive with your time? Are you tired of being so behind all of the time?

I know how you feel. I fall victim to distractions all of the time. I go to work on my huge and audacious eBook project, only to find myself vacuuming the place. Sure, the place needs to be cleaned. However, my work needs to get done. I can vacuum later.

Let’s look at how you can kill distractions right now:

Ditch email.

As important as email is, it can be a huge distraction at the end of the day. Email is great for communication. However, you don’t need to be in touch 24/7. You need to get some work done. This is why I suggest you ditch email when trying to work on blog posts or some huge goal.

You go on to respond to an email, then you finish yourself wiring up long drawn out messages just to avoid getting any work done. Typical.

Get off the net.

Once again, as critical as the net is, it can also be a huge distraction. You go on to finish up a blog post, and then you find yourself on Facebook chatting to friends about nonsense. You need to get off the net. Avoid the “Wikipedia” trap where you go online and start researching obscure stats.

If you want to get work done, you need to avoid surfing the net for hours. Facebook is fun for photos. Useless for getting any real work done.

Play music.

Cut the whole world out by justing putting on some tunes. Grab your head phones and get to work. Play your favorite playlist, sit back and enjoy yourself.

What tunes will you blast? What music gets you pumped up for work?

Work in time blocks.

Realistically, most of us just inherently have short attention spans. This is why we need to work with this weakness. Nobody can work for 2-4 hours straight. I consider trying to sit down in a 30 minute block to see how much work you can do.

Working in time blocks helps you get started and build momentum.

Throw out your clutter.

My desk used to be filled with clutter. Now it just has a few books and notepads for me to jot down my ideas. That’s all that I need. All of that clutter would just distract me and interfere with my productivity.

Those are my best tips for ditching distractions to get actual work done. You’ll be surprised when you see what can be done when you live a distraction-free life.

Are you ready to destroy those distractions?

Do You Need to be on Social Media?


Every single time that I go on Facebook I see something new about the benefits of social media. Any time I’m online reading about social media, I read that every business and young professional needs to setup some sort of a random profile on a social media site. Does this sound common?

Do you need to be on social media?

With all of the talk of the importance of social media these days I wanted to dig a little deeper. I’m going to present the benefits and negatives of being on social media and then I’m going to provide you with my final answer.

What are the benefits of being on social media?

  • Networking. Most people in your field are on social media. By joining the party you can network with these people.
  • Job opportunities. My friend found a dream job on Facebook just because someone had a posting in their company, reached out to him, and liked what he had to offer.
  • Connect with old friends. I’m always adding and finding old friends on Facebook. It’s a great way to see what buddies from high school are up to.
  • Stay in touch. You can also stay in touch with current friends and cool people that you meet on trips by logging onto Facebook.
  • Aim at your target market. If you run a business, you can target your audience online. There’s a diverse bunch of potential customers on Twitter, Facebook, and other forms of social media that might be interested in what you have to offer.

Those are just the main reasons that I could think of right now. I’m sure that I missed out on a few.

What are the setbacks of social media?

  1. Poor judgment. I don’t always have the best judgment. It’s easy to get carried away in your 20s. You have a few drinks, you go on a drunken rant on social media, and you’re automatically labeled as someone with abuse problems. Do you want that?
  2. Lose your job. To tie in with the previous point, you can lose your job because of something that you do online. All employers will go online to see what their employees have done and are doing. One of my professors told me that a student lost a job because they posted pictures on Facebook in a revealing outfit when they were looking for a job in child care.
  3. Waste of time. The obvious issue with social media is that it has the huge potential to be a colossal waste of time. You go on Facebook, you start chatting and posting useless stuff, and a few hours have passed you by. This is the biggest waste of time.

We all know someone that made one (or all) of these mistakes with social media. This leads to the big question.

Do you have to be on social media?

Nope. You don’t have to be on social media if you’re not comfortable with it. If you don’t understand it, don’t care for it, and don’t want to waste your time on trivial activities, then don’t worry about social media. My advice to you if you want it is to keep on working on what you do best.

Are you on social media?

Getting Back in the Arena – A True Story of a Blogging Meltdown


A Blogging Flameout/Meltdown 

Perhaps some people who read this blog know my story: that I used to have my own personal finance blog called Broke Professionals.

I had started the blog in part as an escape from a job that I disliked.  I have always had the passion, if perhaps not the skill, for entrepreneurialism.  I thought the blog would be a great way to confront my wife and my six figure student loan debt and indicate the mistakes we had made to get where we were, and what we were trying to do to dig out.

I’ve always been creative and have a great love of writing, so I started the blog to have an outlet.  I never knew you could make money blogging—I just thought it was an expense, but one I was happy to pay.

I eventually started and ran, over the course of just about six months, what I believe was a good, solid personal finance blog.  It was honest, surprisingly well-read for a new blog, and I even scored a couple of big guest posts and also interviews of people for my blog—such as a Wall Street Journal Finance Editor.

About this time, my Wife and I bought our house.  This was of course, yet another financial mistake.  Now we had a mortgage to go along with our student loan debt.  I started to see if I could make some money from my side-project.  Eventually, I flamed out entirely, and sold the blog when money got real tight.   All our money was tied up in the house and paying ongoing bills.

At that time, I was happy to sell and decided I would focus on a freelance writing side-job.  I didn’t know how to make money with blogging, but knew people were willing to pay me for my writing.  I took on a lot of clients, and began to feel overwhelmed.  I have since cut it back significantly.  I have also since quit the job I disliked to start my own business—which of course pays me less than before but at least I am happy.

So why am I telling you this story?  If you’re a blogger or considering blogging, I think it’s important that you realize that running a good blog takes a lot of time.  It can start to be overwhelming.  Also, if you blog, don’t do it because you hope to get famous or make money.  Most people don’t make much if any money from their blogs.  Finally, you’ve got to have a financial cushion.  I loved my blog and felt terrible having to sell it when I did—this led to a complete blogging meltdown from which I still feel embarrassed to this day.

I used to write a post every night for my blog.  I was sort of addicted to the idea of getting more readers, more links, etc.  It didn’t start like that and I’m not sure why that’s what it became.  A mix of desperation, immaturity, and my own inherent personality defects, I suppose. I often wonder what might have come of my blog had I gone about things the proper way, and if I had maintained a better mindset throughout the process.

Getting Back in the Arena

I’ve been thinking recently about how much I miss having my own blog, and how much I miss the friends I made blogging.  It’s not the same being a “lurker” on their sites.

So I’m going to continue freelance writing, and also started my own personal finance blog again.  This time, for all of the right reasons.

How about you bloggers reading this post?   Have you ever experienced the “dark side” of blogging?  I look forward to reading your comments.

How To Start a Successful Freelance Writing Business

Blogging, Business & entrepreneurship

How To Start A Successful Freelance Writing Business


There are many reasons to blog besides making money. Some

people blog as a form of online journal. Other people blog to meet

new people, or to show their passion for a specific activity or product.

You will find some people who say it is improper—perhaps even

immoral to make money off of a blog. But any serious blogger knows

that the time, commitment, and monetary sources put into creating a

successful blog deserve some type of financial restitution.

Once a blogger decides they want to make money—the next

question is, how? While many people start their blogs to promote

their services or products, many other bloggers have no clear path to

monetization. Some blogs simply lack a solid business plan. To be

brutally honest, some blogs are nearly immune to a workable

business plan.

The internet is full of people making huge claims. After all, that

is what usually draws the most attention. This post will not make

any such claims. Freelance writing is in many ways the least passive

of incomes. You will never make a “quick million” as a freelance

writer. It is a tough job—a job where you make money doing what

other people do not want to, or cannot do.

That said, how great would it be to make money writing? For someone

who is passionate about writing, there are few better feelings than

being paid to hone your craft.

Too often us writers focus on ivory tower ideas like becoming

the next great novelist. Freelance writing will likely not be a path

toward writing fame or glory. But you may be able to make a decent

living working for yourself as a freelance writer. If you want to keep

your day job—which I recommend when you are first starting out— (I

still keep my day-job), then with the tools in this post you should

be able to earn at least a low five-figure side-income. You have to be able

to hustle. You have to be willing to sell. And you have to be a

talented writer (ideally—no cruel comments about my writing, please!).

Although there are few barriers to entry, not

everyone will possess the talent to be paid for their words.

If you have the talent and drive, and if you are struggling to

otherwise make money off freelance writing, then this is the post for you.

This post will cover the basics of turning your blog into a

successful freelance business.

About this Post

This book has three specific sections.  It was originally released on my old website as a free e-book.  I no longer have my website, so I figured this would benefit the Experiglot crowd.   I have tried to keep the

post minimalistic and short. Sometimes I will refer to this post as the “book” as it was once an e-book.  Please just ignore that, although I have done some editing.

You should be able to read this in

half an hour to an hour. It’s only 4,000 words or about 20 pages.

The first section of the post defines freelance work and

describes the life of a freelance writer. It also provides some history

on freelance writing. This section asks if freelance writing is for you.

The second section of the post discusses the practical

considerations of starting a freelance business. What equipment and

supplies do you need? How do you find clients? How do you convert

your blog into a successful freelance career? Should you advertise?

What types of assignments do freelance writers take on? And how

focused should your niche be? These are some of the topics discussed

in section 2—which provides the nuts and bolts of a freelance writing

career and how to convert your blog into a successful freelance

writing business.

The third and final section of this post provides an overview of

my freelance writing rules to live by. This section discusses some do’s

and don’ts that I have learned thus far as a freelance writer. This

section also explains how freelance writing is different from blogging.

E-Book Chapters

Section I – Freelance Writing Overview

1. A (VERY) Brief History of Freelance Writing.

2. Can You Be a Freelance Writer?

3. Should You Be a Freelance Writer?

4. The Day in the Life of a Freelance Writer

5. What Can You Expect as a Freelance Writer?

Section 2 – Day-to Day Freelance Operations

6. What supplies and Equipment Do You Need?

7. How Much Should You Charge?

8. What Should Your Business Blog Say About You?

9. How Can You Convert Your Blog Into a Freelance


10. The Role of a Freelance Writer.

11. To Niche or Not to Niche.

12. The Business of Freelance.

Section 3 – The Do’s and Don’t of Freelance

13. The Do’s and Don’t of Freelance



Chapter 1: A (VERY) Brief History of Freelance Writing

Freelance writing has, in some way, shape or form, been around for

centuries—perhaps ever since there was written communication.

During the 19th century, many writers such as Charles Dickens

published their novels in sections in local newspapers, one chapter at

a time.

So, if anyone questions the life of a freelance writer, remember the

proud tradition that you are now attempting to become a part of.

Chapter 2: Can You Be a Freelance Writer?

To quote Bluto in Animal House, “Why not!” Freelance writing is an

easy field to enter. You just need to have one connection willing to

pay you to do their writing for them, and you’re already on your way

to a freelance writing business. To be successful as a freelance writer,

however, there are certain attributes or skills you should possess.



-Passionate about writing.

-Able to accept criticism. (My biggest weakness).




-Talented writer.

– Technologically savvy.

-Solid researcher.

-Good Marketer.

-Strong Business Sense.

Just because basically anyone can start a freelance writing business

doesn’t mean that they should. A low barrier of entry, unfortunately,

means that many people who are not serious about writing attempt to

enter the field. This makes it difficult for prospective clients to make

hiring decisions. It also negatively affects the pay scale… for


If you’re a successful blogger then you should have what it takes to be

a successful freelance writer. There is so much overlap between the

two that it is not even worth analyzing. That said, if you

have ever guest-posted for another site, then you know there is a

difference between writing for yourself and writing for someone else.

If you’re a blogger, however, then you can probably convert those

skills into a successful freelance writing business.

Chapter 3: Should You Be a Freelance Writer?

Can and should are, of course, two different things. It is difficult

finding clients in the beginning of a freelance writing career. I’ve never had this problem, but I read it is sometimes difficult getting

clients to pay the amount due. It can be difficult charging a high

enough salary to earn a decent living wage and have time to find a

work-life balance all the while writing quality posts handed in prior to

every deadline. Remember that your reputation is all you have as a

freelance writer…and in life.

If you can’t earn a sufficient salary through your freelance writing

endeavors then please, hold on to your day job. If you don’t have

anything to add, then please don’t write just to try and earn a buck.

 You will give freelancers a bad name—even

if you have all the talent in the world. It is rare in life that we excel at

things we are not passionate about. If you can marry talent and

passion, then you may have something.

Chapter 4: The Day in the Life of a Freelance Writer

I maintain a busy schedule because I have a day-job that takes up 40-

65 hours per week. How do I accomplish this? It’s probably only because I don’t have any kids.

A lot of your scheduling depends on how efficiently and quickly you


Remember that just because you work 8 hours doesn’t mean you’re

going to bill for eight hours. You might end up billing for only one or

two. There are days where I will work five or six hours without

having a billable hour to show for it because I was marketing, etc.

Chapter 5: What Can You Expect as a Freelance Writer?

Expect even your personal blog’s writing to be more heavily criticized.

Expect clients who will be easy to work with and who will love your

work and then also anticipate clients who will not be so enamored. Expect

to have self-doubt and minor triumphs. Don’t expect to make it rich

as a freelance writer.

Do expect your writing to improve. Do expect to get a better feel for

small business management. Do expect to wish you could spend

more time simply writing rather than doing administrative or social

networking tasks. Expect the business side of freelance writing to

take up as much time as writing.

Expect to be upset. Expect to be happy. Expect the unexpected. That

is what freelance writing is like for me, and should you take on the

challenge, that’s probably what it will be like for you as well.  Because freelance writing is my side-business, my experience is in some ways better and in other ways worse than the full-time freelancer.

Chapter 6: What Supplies and Equipment Do You Need?

The below list is assuming you are going to be a full-time freelance writer.  It’s meant as a guide rather than a rule, the less you spend the quicker you’ll be able to turn a profit, and until you get a steady flow of clients it’s particularly important to minimize expenditures.

1. Computer – I prefer Mac laptops. ($500-$1,500) — Although

most people have a computer anyway. If you’re already a blogger

then you almost definitely already have a computer.

2. Office Supplies – pens, paper, stapler, staples, ink, etc. ($50-$150)

3. Printer. ($50-$200) (Again, most people already have a printer).

4. Scanner. ($50-$150)

5. Fax Machine. ($50-$150) (Note you can get all-in-one

printers/scanners/fax machines).

6. Internet. ($10-$45 per month). (Unless you’re satisfied going to

the public library, a coffee shop, or stealing it from a neighbor (j/k).

7. Dedicated business telephone line. $10-$50 per month)

8. Books – I personally like to have a few books on writing,

copywriting, etc., and inspiration lying around in case I ever get

stuck—which is more often than I would care to admit. This can be

particularly helpful when brainstorming ideas for headlines. ($1-$100

or more).

9. Calendar – online and off-line is ideal– all those deadlines start to

blur together real fast without a calendar. ($0-$100).

10. Filing cabinet, files, etc. – I create a file for each client. I will add

to that file each client’s likes and dislikes, the date hired, who referred

me the client, how often I am to post, etc. I also make a 3×5 card with

the login information for each client. ($50-$300).

11. Office – When you’re just starting out a home-office is more than

ideal. Even most well-established freelance writers use a home office.

I love my home office. Just make sure you have a dedicated home

office where life will not interfere too often with work. Hint: Talk to

an accountant about possible tax benefits of a home office. ($0-

$1500 per month)

12. Insurance/tax information/legal formation information – Get

your experts in line and remember that you are the owner now–

nobody will be taking care of these things but you. ($100-$500, or


13. Invoicing – I just do my invoicing through Pay Pal. ($5-$40 per


14. Other software – logo design, Word, quickbooks, invoicing, email

marketing, some or all of these will be necessary with time. ($0-


15. Website/blog. ($10-$30 per month).

16. Business cards and stationary. ($25-$75).

If you have some or all of the above then you should be well on your

way to having everything you need to start a freelance writing


The great thing about starting a freelance writing business is that it

requires much less seed money than most other businesses.


Chapter 7 How much should you charge?

It seems like the standard price you’ll be able to command when

you’re first starting out as a freelance writer is $20-$25 per post. I

personally believe there are better ways to spend your time than

writing posts for $20-$25, but when you’re first starting out there might not be other options.

If you can use the experience, then perhaps you should take on a

lower-paying project; but otherwise, it may be more lucrative to focus

on press releases, sales letters, web copy, e-books, or my personal

favorite: pillar blog posts.

Beware some of these lines you are likely to hear from prospective


1) “We want a free post to see if you’re talented enough to hire.”

2) “We don’t pay much, but the work is consistent.” (oh great,

consistently poor-paying work).

3) “We’re a startup so we can’t pay much now, but later on……”

(later on we’ll be bankrupt and our business dissolved, more

times than not).

Remember that as a full-time freelance writer, it’s up to you to pay

your company’s overhead. That may include your own health

insurance or that of your family.

Remember that you will get stiffed on bills from time to time. If

you’re serious about this as a business then you’re going to have to

stand firm and seek out higher paying clients or admit it’s not a viable

business at this time.

Chapter 8: What Should Your Business’s Blog Say About


Your readers online won’t know if you’re a great person offline. They

will only be able to judge you by what your words say about you. So,

what are your words saying about you? Are your word choices sloppy

or your grammar filled with mistakes? That says something about

you. Grammar is the hardest thing for me as a freelance writer. It is

my Achilles heel, so to speak. That says something about me, and

when I am working for clients I make sure my wife double checks my

work and that I personally go over it four to five times. I read

grammar books constantly to try and improve. And I was an English


It would be nice if grammar and punctuation were everything, but there’s plenty more involved.

I take some solace in knowing that everyone who has ever called me

out on grammar has also made mistakes on their own site. But that is

little solace indeed.

Your online image, however, goes beyond fundamentals such as

grammar or writing technique. People will also infer who you are

based upon your writing. Do you come across as a snob or a jerk? Or

do you instead come across as a confident and intelligent person–and thus–as

someone you would want to hire and work with? This is as important

as your writing, and something I too need to spend more time

working on.

When you write, you have a voice, whether you think so or not. So

the best thing to do is: think of it….at all times.

Chapter 9: How Can You Convert Your Blog Into a

Freelance Writing Business

If you have a successful blog then you’re probably a talented writer.

You likely know how to write sophisticated sentences that have an air of

mystery, but are also informative. You have a great “writer’s voice.”

If you are complimented often (by people besides friends/family) on

your blog posts, then you’re probably a good writer.

The trick is to put the word out that you are willing to perform writing

services for other blogs. There are several ways to promote your


Guest Posts

Write a great guest post. After the blog owner gives it the go ahead,

mention that you are available for freelance work.

Find Out Who Is Hiring/Cold-Emailing

Not all bloggers can afford to pay a talented freelance writer. I

can’t on my own blogs because I make most of my money by

writing. The bigger blogs generally do some freelance hiring.


Advertising is generally not that effective when you’re first starting

out, but perhaps this is something to consider if you ever look to

expand your shop.

Create A Separate Website

Letting the word out on your own website will never be as effective as

having your own freelance writing home. My website,

never brought in much business and I’ve now gotten rid of it entirely, but it did when I was taking on new clients

solidify my role as a legitimate freelance writer. If people are on the

fence then my site might have sealed the deal, even if it isn’t that great of an

independent lead generator.

Word of Mouth/Referrals

This is one of the basic techniques in almost any business. And still

one of the most effective.

Press Releases.

Chapter 10: The Role of a Freelance Writer

Your role is simple: to make your clients happy. In my opinion it’s

also to try and steer your clients in the right direction if they are going

off-course. Ultimately, it’s up to you how you wish to run your business.

I also want to note here that you can’t be all things to all people. Try

and focus on a few things and become great at them. When I first

started I even offered to make logos as part of my business. Anyone

who saw my former site knows that while I can make logos, there are

much better options out there than me if you need that service. You

lose credibility for the services you truly excel at if you also attempt to

perform (or even offer) services that are not really in your realm of


Chapter 11- To Niche or Not to Niche

Although it may seem counterproductive or even against common

sense, it is better to “specialize” in 1-3 niches rather than to write

about everything. Although I’m open to writing across a widespectrum

of subjects, my clients tended to come to me for personal

finance.  This helps generate like-minded referrals and

allows you to be the first person that springs to your client’s or

prospective client’s minds when the need arises for a writer in your

particular niche.

You may turn away some business in the beginning, but long-term

you should make more money by focusing on a niche. It goes without

saying that you can eventually command a larger fee if you become

entrenched in a niche.

Chapter 12 – The Business of Freelance

Never forget that freelance is a business. It may be your sole source

of income for your house. This means sometimes you have to put

your own projects on the backburner to make sure you help make

your client’s dreams come true.

Keep track of the jobs you perform so you can bill accordingly. Do

not allow yourself to “get stiffed.” Part of being a freelance writer is

sometimes taking on the role of collection expert. That’s just the

nature of the job. (Hint: make sure your collection practices are

inside the letter of the law).

I recommend seeking proper legal and/or accounting advice prior to

undertaking any business venture. You may be able to write off your

home-office. You may be able to deduct certain business expenses.

And you may be required to file certain paperwork with the state or

county prior to starting a business. Consider how you will deal with potential liability

and insurance issues.

Remember also that you will not receive health insurance or many other

benefits that traditional employees receive. You are a lone-wolf as a

freelance writer, and you may always be that way. Just because you

can work in your boxers doesn’t mean your job isn’t serious.

As stated throughout this section, freelance writing is a business. You

get into freelance writing because you love writing. But you put food

on your table through solid business practices. You need to make

sure you do you take proper business registration and tax

preparations. You need to make sure you keep track of your

invoicing. Again, sometimes you will play the never fun role of debt

collector. Don’t suffer fools and don’t be taken advantage of. If you

did the work then you deserve to get paid.

Again, because I can’t emphasize this enough, make sure you look

into the laws of your jurisdiction and/or speak with appropriate

experts (including an accountant or attorney) to see about your taxes

and business registration. In most states it is not overly expensive to

start a business. There are many different types of business

formations including sole proprietorships and limited liability

companies. An expert will be able to assist you in choosing the proper

form of business for your company.

It is great to get paid as a writer. Make sure you’re getting paid. Make

sure you pay attention to the business side of freelance writing as well

as the creative side. If you do that you will likely find your freelance

writing career to be more lucrative than you ever imagined.


Chapter 13 – The Do’s and Don’t of Freelance

a) Do: Consider freelance writing.

b) Don’t: Try to be everything to everyone.

a) Do: Seek the assistance of an appropriate business professional

such as an accountant or an attorney.

b) Don’t: Assume your business is so small it doesn’t have to follow

proper procedure.

a) Do: Demand a fair wage.

b) Don’t: Be afraid to ask for money you’re owed from clients.

a) Do: Initially consider almost any job.

b) Don’t: Take low paying jobs or jobs you’re not comfortable with.

a) Do: Fire your clients if it’s not working out.

b) Don’t: Be a jerk about it or burn bridges.

a) Do: Consider having your own website.

b) Don’t: Let it be an eyesore like mine was!

a) Do: Consider starting out part-time as a freelance writer.

b) Don’t: Let the freelance work interfere with your main source of

income or quit your job before you can afford to live off your

freelance salary.

a) Do: Go after clients aggressively but respectfully, even when

you’re first starting out.

b)Don’t: lose hope if the clients trickle in at the beginning.

a) Do: Try and convert your blog into a freelance writing


b) Don’t take that advice if none of this seems appealing to you.

a) Do: Try and learn everything you can about blogging, writing,

and freelance work. I was helped by reading so many great blogs and websites such as the Financial Blogger, Problogger,

CopyBlogger and Daily Blog Tips.

b) Don’t:   Rely upon only one source of information.


Hopefully you have found this e-book helpful as you consider starting

a freelance writing business. It won’t be easy when you are first

starting out, but if you can make the adjustments and find some

clients to develop a decent portfolio with, then with time you may

have to start turning clients away.

If you’re already a successful blogger, then along with this post the

transition should be easy. If not, just make sure you’re ready for a bit

of a learning curve. Anything worth doing is worth learning inside

and out, and doing it right.

Best of luck as you begin your freelance career!