Category Archive 'Excel Optimization'

Two Experiglot Offerings – eBook And My Help For Your Spreadsheets

Excel function tutorials, Excel macros, Excel Optimization, Excel spreadsheets (.xls), Excel Test

Over the past few months, I’ve been interacting with many of you who have been visiting Experiglot, commenting on posts, sending me emails with questions and comments, etc. I’ve came to the conclusion that there were two big needs and today’s post is to announce that I am finally able to help out on both.

#1-Improve Your Excel Skills

Many of you have projects related to work or hobbies that require using excel either to improve, automate or even just to track and organize data. Searching this wensite and the web in general is great but we sometimes lack structure or don’t know what to look for. I’ve created an ebook that includes tens of functions along with a few spreadsheets wwith examples of vlookup, sumif, macros, etc. It’s a fairly large package that can enhance your excel skills and knowledge significantly, all for a very reasonable $9.95!!!

Find out more about the ebook here

#2-Get Instant Help For Your Spreadsheet

I know the feeling. You’ve been trying to get this thing done in excel for hours and maybe even days and it’s just not working. At this point, you need to get it done. I would be more than happy to help. You can send me your spreadsheet along with a description of what you’re trying to do. For a modest fee, I’ll take a look and get back to you within 24 hours. In over 90% of cases, you’ll have it fixed while more complex spreadsheets might require additional work or be beyond the scope of what I can reasonable expect to do.

This is guaranteed. If the spreadsheet does not do what you were looking for, I’ll be more than happy to pay you back.

Find out more about getting my help for your spreadsheets here

Using “Names” In Excel To Improve Efficiency

Excel Optimization

I’m sure that many of you have these incredibly complex spreadsheets that become bigger, more complex and more difficult to manage over the years. Those create many issues, one of the main ones being that before making even a small change, you have to figure out what kind of impact this might have. Changing even one sheet can create issues. At times you might also want to change how the file is build without having to change hundreds of links. How would you proceed? I like to use names. It’s quite easy to set up, you can simply go into the following excel menu:

I’ll give you one example. If I have a huge financial spreadsheet with many links towards the CAD/USD rate, that might look like this:

So in hundreds of places I might link to this cell. If I were to change the location of this link, it would force me to update all links. Currently when I add a link in another sheet, it would look something like this:


What I can do though is to create a name, by clicking on the link mentioned above:

Then, I can simply link to that name:


A major advantage of course is that I could at any point change the location of that rate and instead of changing tons of links, simply go back into “insert/name” and modify the location of that name.

It’s a quick and easy way to make it easier to keep your spreadsheet accurate over long periods of time.

Let me know if you have any questions!