How Did You Learn To Use Excel?
Excel Test
I still think it’s very strange that despite Excel being one if not the most used software in the world, there is little if any attention that is paid to it in school. It makes no sense. There are many things lacking in our schools and you could probably argue that things like basic finances, investments, learning basic coding and many other subjects should be looked into.
Learning Excel basics though seems even more obvious. These days, a large proportion of jobs require working with spreadsheets which are almost entirely Excel-based. Some use very simple spreadsheets while others have incredibly complex ones or even databases using more advanced software.
Being able to use excel basic and more advanced functions, to build macros can help get ahead and while it’s true that it’s possible to learn this stuff at work, it’s certainly a lot easier if you can start earlier.
How Did You Learn To Use Excel?
Did you learn at school? At work? With Books? I’m curious, please email me or comment below!