Category Archive 'Excel function tutorials'

Building A Stock Spreadsheet In Excel 2013 Using The Webservice Function (Part 1)

Excel 2013, Excel function tutorials

After introducing the new webservice function that was added to Excel 2013, I’m looking to build my first spreadsheet today and I thought it’d be interesting to build a spreadsheet that can access the Yahoo finance API. Let’s start off by building a sheet that will display information about a specific stock which I can change. I will start off by adding a place where I’d have that stock’s ticker:

Then, when I go to the Yahoo API explanation page, I see that I can get access to the stock’s price with this URL:

I will simply change that “GOOG” reference to the cell C2 and look at the result:

Then, I could simply access the price from that cell using the “mid” function. Let’s try something else though. I would like to pull the close of every day since January 2012, to build myself a nice chart. Using the function found in:

I can try using the following:

Again, I will replace “GOOG” with a reference to cell C2:

Again, some formatting would be required but I think this gives you an idea of how poerful these webservices are as you can easily get in a ton of data about any stock. As a last addition for today, I will add news about Apple using the Yahoo news RSS for Apple. First, I went to Yahoo’s Apple page and got the URL of its RSS news here:

Then, I went into Excel, in the developer tab and clicked on source where I added that and dragged it into my spreadsheet as you can see here:

There are many other ways all of this can be done but it does give you an idea of the possibilites offered thanks to XML and webservices functions in Excel 2013… More on this very soon!

How To Use Webservices Function In Excel 2013

Excel 2013, Excel function tutorials

Excel is so interesting because there are so many different functions and so I fully expected that there would be some interesting functions that would be added to Excel 2013 apart from those that were already announced. Today, I found one of them called “webservice”. It is a somewhat advanced function but it is really worth looking into. Basically, the webservice function in excel makes it easy to make API queries. Many big websites or services such as Yahoo finance, Twitter, eBay, Google Maps, LinkedIn, etc.

Basically, when you get the documentation of an API, you can understand how to modify the code to get the accurate data. For example, with Yahoo finance, I could easily get information about the stock, historical data, charts, news, etc. It does require some work upfront but once you get the hang of it, you can build something that is quite powerful. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be building spreadsheets that can display a couple of different types of data through this webservice API.

As you can imagine, I’m very interested in the idea of building a strong financial spreadsheet that could help me improve my analysis but also my portfolio analysis.

Understanding API “Docs”

In general, understanding API’s can be done by going to a website that explains how it works. Here is an example for the Yahoo finance API that I feel is very well done and easy to understand:

One unfortunate aspect is that the webservices only work on the desktop version of Excel 2013. I repeat myself but I do hope that at some point both versions end up being identical (or as close to it as possible).

Microsoft did publish an example of live weather on a spreadsheet which you can see here:

Obviously, like any other web data in Excel , it does not refresh “automatically” and must be done either manually or through a macro.

How To Setup Controls In Excel With Conditional Formatting

Excel function tutorials

One of the most important and useful parts of Excel as you surely know is the improvement and automation of processes. One interesting feature is the ability to setup different “control panels” that get data from a few sources and generate alerts.

Today, I wanted to look at an example where someone would have different currency risks and would like to easily see when one of those risks approaches or breaches a limit. First, take a look at the table in this example:

I’d like to have any data that is at 80% to 99% of the limit become orange. Then, if it breaches the limit, I’d like that exposure to become red. To do so, I simply select the cells then select: conditional formatting:

Here is the new result:

It’s very simple right? As the exposure (which could be linked to other sheets, etc). You could even have a script that checks periodically and sends out an email if a limit is breached or brings up a popup.

You can download the spreadsheet here!

Nested If Conditions Example In Excel

Excel function tutorials

Today, I got a problem that is similar to what I presented last week, on the surface. It’s another example of why understanding the problem is the biggest part of solving it. You can see the problem that I was sent here:

In this case, because it’s not cumulative, we can basically do a simple nested if condition. Basically, for any consumer that has over 200 units consumed, we know the exact cost of those 200 (100 at $0.54 and 100 at $0.75). The same is true for those that have over 100. So I started off by calculating those 2 amounts:


Then, I built the “nested if” condition as follows:


The surcharges were fairly simple to calculate as you can see here!


The amount due is the sum of the 3 amounts. I then dragged the formula and got the following:

You can also download the spreadsheet here

Adding HyperLinks Functions To Better Navigate Your Excel Spreadsheets

Excel function tutorials

I’ve discussed in the past how you could use Excel to add links to many different files on your computer that you use on a daily basis in order to become more productive. I got a similar question that might be of help to you. Basically, let’s imagine this user has a frontpage with several informations that are all displayed on different tabs. The summary is a recap but all details would be found in the many other tabs of the excel file. Here is a summary of a simplified version:

The names refer to different tabs as you can see:

Basically, I could go on the cells and either do “Insert/Hyperlink” or click “Ctrl-K”, the shortcut:

Then, I would simply select on the left that I’m looking to link to a “place in this document” on the left menu, cell A1 (which could be changed):

Once that is done, the user can click on that cell and be automatically taken to the correct location to see a breakdown of what that number means

It’s easy to do and can turn out to be a time saver for both yourself and others that are using the excel spreadsheet! Makes sense?