Stealing recyclables because of the economy?
Current events
Today was garbage day, and we awoke this morning to find that our entire bin of can and glass recyclables had been stolen. I’d heard about this happening around the Bay area but this is the first time we’d seen it in our neighborhood. The paper and cardboard bin had been left full.
We called Allied Waste to request a new recyclables bin. As soon as I mentioned what happened, they responded knowingly with “We’ll drop off a new bin for you. What’s your address?” No account number or anything needed. According to the representative, this is really prevalent now because of the downturn in the economy. Wow. They said they were working with the police department to crack down, but since people tended to operate either late at night or very early in the morning, and the vehicles used don’t have license plates, there isn’t a whole lot they can do about it.
I guess to make enough money (even though it’d be tax-free), you’d have to steal recyclables en masse. Recycling centers in California apparently pay $0.05 per less-than-24-oz. container. I don’t particularly care if people take my recyclables (especially if they really need the money), but it’d be nice if they could leave the bin.
On the other hand, maybe we should just start bringing our own recyclables to the local recycle center.