Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a safe and happy holiday everyone! And happy bargain hunting if you’re into Black Friday :) )!!
Archive for November, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!BloggingHave a safe and happy holiday everyone! And happy bargain hunting if you’re into Black Friday :) )!! Fired by email?CareerA friend who was working as an ultrasound technician in the NY/NJ area got fired last Friday night over email out of the blue, with no explanation given on why. She just started the job a few weeks ago and as far as she knew, everything was going fine. I’d heard of things like this happening only in passing or on the news but never to someone I personally knew. She still “got” to go to work the following Monday but the doctor in charge of the practice didn’t show up so she didn’t get a chance to ask for a reason for her termination. For now, she’s looking on the bright side of not having to do a commute from Brooklyn to NJ at 5:30 in the morning, but if you know of any openings for pediatric echocardiographers, feel free to drop a line in the comment section. I know it’s not that helpful, but honestly, I’ve been telling her that a place treats its employees that way is probably not somewhere you’d want to work if you have a choice. So here’s an ad-hoc poll: Feel free to leave any additional details in the comments below, and my sympathy goes out in advance to anyone who’s gone through this.