The $1,500 Summer Experiment
Personal finance
The one thing that I’ll always remember about the summer of 2003 is that I managed to save $1,500. Yes it took me all summer to save up $1,500. Did I mention that I worked every single day to save that money? Did I mention that I used to ride my bike all around town from job to job?
It was the summer after grade 10. For some odd reason, I’ve always been a greedy kid. I was I could say that I have some inspirational story of something. But I don’t. I’ve never been in debt. I’ve always just been hungry for money. I’ve always had money on my mind.
Today I wanted to write about this $1,500 experiment and how I managed to start saving money in high school.
How did I save $1,500 while working minimum wage jobs?
Saving was my main focus.
My main priority for that summer was saving money. I didn’t care for hanging out and watching television. I didn’t want to sleep in all day and lounge around. I didn’t want to be a typical kid on a high school break. I wanted to save as much money as possible. I knew that to do so I also had to put the work in. I wasn’t afraid of work.
My goal was to make as much money as possible.
I did my best to create as many income streams as possible. I knew that my one $7/hour job wasn’t going to cut in. One job didn’t give me enough shifts nor did it allow me to make as much money as I wanted to. On top of all of this, I also wanted to use my time wisely instead of just lounging around.
How did I make money that summer?
- I worked part-time at a grocery store.
- I did lawn care in my community.
- I was a soccer referee.
- I found odd jobs in my spare time.
I deposited money every single day.
This will sound odd, but I pretty much went in every single day to deposit money. It didn’t matter if I had $10 or $100 because I still went in. The bank teller must have thought I was a weird kid. I remember once depositing 8 bucks. Yep a whole 8 dollars! I just got into the habit of locking my money up. I knew that if I had money in my pocket I would spend it on food or on a magazine or something random.
I learned about cutting back on expenses.
When you start making money as a kid you realize that you need to spend some money. When you work all day, you’re going to have to eat something. You’re going to have to get to and from work somehow. You’re going to have to spend money to make money. This forced me to learn on how I can cut back on my expenses so that I can keep more of my hard earned money.
That was my $1,500 summer experiment. Was there a summer in your life as a kid where you were happy to save money? Please share it with us here.