Excel Improve Your Productivity By Pinning Specific Documents
Excel spreadsheets (.xls)
Last week, I pubished a post about customizing your toolbar in Excel in order to increase efficiency. Today is another very quick and easy tip. I know that many of you use dozens of different excel speadsheets. Some are more common than others though and being able to access them very easily can save some time. When you click on the top left corner of excel 2007, here is what you’ll see:
You certainly recognize the screenshot and you probably know that the recent documents are generally placed in order of last use. The issue of course is that some documents that you use every day could end up not showing up here because you’ve used so many other spreadsheets. What you can do however is click on that little “pin” next to a document.
Once that pin is green, the document will remain on the list no matter what which has saved me time and useless energy.
Do you use this or other productivity tips to increase your efficiency in excel?