How To Create A List Of All Your Files In One Excel File
Excel spreadsheets (.xls)
One issue that I’ve had a few times is trying to create a list of files. Why would I need to do that? Because then I can create a macro that will go through all of those files one by one to do specific operations. How do I do it? First, I’ll open a DOS cmd window by clicking the start button of my pc and typing “cmd”.
Then, I can simply type the following to get the list of files in my L: drive for example:
Then I could go to a subdirectory such as ETF by typing:
cd ETF
Then, I’d type:
dir > list.txt
I’d then get the list of files in that directory in a file named list.txt, which I can open and start playing around with in excel. Easy enough? See how I did it here (given the fact that a .txt file is not as easy to use.