Archive for May, 2014

Nest if Functions – It’s All About Doing It Step By Step

Excel function tutorials

I often get these types of questions where someone is trying to do a nested if function but having trouble doing so. Here is one such example:

“I am trying to write a and/if statement to read if b2=”manager” and d2=”b” and h2

How I send Outlook Email Through Excel

Excel 2013, Excel macros

One of the main things that I like to do when automating excel files is getting the whole process done. What do I mean? Not only creating a file and saving it to a drive, but also sending it out to the group that I need it to get to on a daily basis.

For example, I have this file that creates a list of tennis players:

Suppose that I run this file every day, save it to a drive and send it to 4-5 people? I can do all of that (more or less) from my excel file. How? By helping Microsoft Excel communicate with Outlook.

It’s similar to what you’d do when building any other macro. I personally use 2 different steps:

#1-Add the “standard” email funfction to my file. For this to be done, I always copy the same text to my files:

Then, I can simply ad the relevant code to my existing macros. Here is a simplified version that would send out a file:

It’s fairly straightforward and it works:) Once I click the button, an email shows up and I can simply press “send”

You can download the spreadsheet here!