Experiments In Finance – A New Start
Business & entrepreneurship
Hey people!
My name is Mike and I am the new owner of Experiments in Finance. You will discover more about this new guy who bought this blog throughout my articles. But instead of talking about me, today I want to share with you why I bought this blog.
I like blogging
The very first reason why I bought this blog is because I LOVE blogging. I currently run several blogs and I made it a business throughout the years. I started my online venture in 2006 and I can now think of living from my online income in a few years. But Experiments in Finance, which I like to simply call EXP, will not be about making money online. EXP will be about experimenting different things in the world of finance.
I have many common points with the previous author
I have been searching for a blog to buy for the past 3 months. When I found EXP, I really liked the topics that were previously discussed. I have found that I have many common points with the previous author:
– I do have a MBA
– I have 2 kids (and Leslie is having a second one in January ;-) )
– I like talking about investing (especially dividend and ETF investing)
– I like talking about entrepreneurship and career
– My friend (and partner in my venture) is pretty strong with excel ;-)
I want to share my financial experiences
At the age of 23, I got my first line of credit, loaded and invest 20K in the stock market. 3 Years later, I was buying my first home with a $50K cash down (and a cleared line of credit!). I have quit my first job after only 6 months working for a big financial firm. After 2 years of blogging for fun, I have created an online company and now earning 6 figures income from my venture. I’m now working 4 days a week at my “day job” and running my online venture. This is the kind of experience I want to share with you.
If you need to reach me, you can do it via email at thefinancialblogger (at) gmail (dot) com.
I hope you will like the new turn of EXP, this is going to be an awesome adventure!